What’s the flight time from London to Morocco?
The average London to Morocco flight time is about 3 hours, 10 min. However, this duration varies smoothly according to each city. There are tiny differences between the airport of Marrakesh, Fez, and Casablanca.
London to Morocco distance by plane
The flight distance between London and Morocco is 3986 miles / 6414.85 km. The flight time can be less than 3 hours if you fly to Casablanca, about 3 hours to Marrakesh and Fez.
On average there are 3 flights flying direct each day from London to Morocco. Below you will find updated flight, the prices and the number of stopps.

London to Marrakech flight time.
Theoretical flight time and distance between London and Marrakech for a direct flight is:
London Marrakech flight time, over a distance of 2305km, is approximately 3 hours of flight. This estimation is based on the theoretical speed of 800km/h, following a direct route without taking the winds into account.
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You can also check article about flying from London to Marrakech.
Understanding flight duration from London to Marrakech
It is important to understand that there are other factors to take into account when you plan your timing for a flight from London to Marrakech.
Time lag and stopovers are obviously to be taken into account. It is thus normal that the duration of a flight from London to Marrakech doesn’t correspond to the difference between the departure time and the arrival time.
Airport check-in time in Marrakesh.
At the airport, the passengers must go to the check-in counter to validate their electronic ticket in order to be able to board the plane. Check-in counters generally close on average one hour before boarding, which corresponds to the schedule indicated on the electronic ticket.
However, this period may vary depending on the destination or the airline. It is best to inquire in advance with the airline to ensure check-in times before boarding.
It is generally necessary to count between one and two hours before boarding the aircraft for your flights from London to Marrakech.
London to Casablanca flight time.

The distance between London and Casablanca is 6301.98 Km or 3915.84 Miles.
- Royal Air Maroc schedules regular flights and direct flights from London to Casablanca.
- The best price for a flight from London to Casablanca Mohamed V is £101.
Flights start from both London Heathrow and London Gatwick Airports and arrive to Casablanca Mohamed V Airport. London Heathrow compresses 4 terminals. Royal Air Maroc flights to Casablanca depart from Terminal 2.
Therefore, passengers traveling on long haul flights to Morocco are advised to arrive at the airport at least three hours before their scheduled flight departure time.
London Gatwick has both a North and a South Terminal. Royal Air Maroc organizes its flights to Casablanca from the North Terminal. Therefore, travelers who arrive at the airport by train will arrive to the South terminal and can reach the North via the free shuttle train which takes a couple of minutes.
Casablanca Mohamed V Airport is 30 kilometers from the south of Casablanca city center. There are three terminals at the airport with all international Royal Air Maroc flights arriving to Terminal 2. Passengers can take trains to the city via train. The train station is located just near the airport traveling on level -1 of Terminal 1.
Trains journey takes about half an hour and tickets cost $3 to arrive at the center of Casablanca and they run between 6:50 and 22:50 every day.
In addition, the bus company CTM schedules services between the airport and the city. The journey takes around 1 hour.
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London to Fez flight time.
London to Morocco Flight Time varies smoothly between the cities of Morocco. In general, there isn’t a big difference just pick up your perfect city and book a flight.
There are 4 flights per week from London to Fez. The flight duration is about 3hours, 10 minutes. The cheapest ticket can be as less than $61.
We assume that the average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots.
We add an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Therefore, the exact time may vary based on wind speeds. If you’re planning a flight from London to Morocco, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time.
In addition, you should also take into account the waiting time and possible equipment, or weather delays.
Another factor which is very important to take into account is the time difference between London and Morocco. You need to plan this time ahead as to avoid arriving at night. Taxis will rob you off if you arrive at night; therefore, it is better to avoid arriving at night.
Finally, The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from London, United Kingdom to FEZ (“as the crow flies”), which is about 1,237 miles or 1 991 kilometers.
Your journey starts in London, United Kingdom and ends at Fes-Saïss Airport in Fes, Morocco.
The flight direction from London, United Kingdom to FEZ is South (-167 degrees from North). The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points.
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British Airways and other airlines that fly to Morocco.
There are many airlines that fly from London to Morocco. In addition to British Airways, we find Easy Jet, Ryanair, Air Arabia, Air Europa, and Vueling.
These Airlines schedule regular flights between London and Morocco. However, it is advised to book your flight 7 week ahead so that you can buy cheap ticket. Furthermore, you need to check the best time to book a flight to Morocco.
Many, if not, all airlines increase the price as the date of the flight arrive. Consequently, the best thing to do is to buy a ticket at the best time.
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